All about purlins, C purlin and Z purlin - CUNMAC Vietnam Icon Icon

All about purlins, C purlin and Z purlin

all about purlins c purlin and z purlin
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Let’s go with CUNMAC to discover the important role of purlins in roofing structures. Besides, learn about C purlin and Z purlin and their differences.

1. What is a purlin?

Historically named purline, purloyne, purling or perling, is a longitudinal, horizontal, structural member in a roof.

Purlin is a beam used for support in structures, mostly below the roof and supported by rafters or walls. Commonly used in metal buildings or wood-frame structures to support the roof deck.

Purlins come in different types based on their material and shape. They are crucial to the roof structure since there is no frame for the sheeting to rest on without them.

Purlins in construction

Purlins in construction

2. Purlins in steel constructions

Purlins are steel beams used to support the roof of metal buildings. They are placed parallel to the building’s edge and supported by rafters or walls.

Purlins come in different shapes named with letters like C, Z, U or V depending on their features. They can also be cold-formed for efficiency and nested for easy transportation.

C shaped purlin

C shaped purlin

Z shaped purlin

Z shaped purlin

U shaped purlin
U shaped purlin

3. C shaped purlins

C purlins are shaped like the letter C and are used for supporting walls and floors in building structures. They are also suitable for supporting beams for flooring and can be used for door mounting, roof clipping, window trimming, parapet rails, and side rails.

C purlins of CUNMAC

C purlins of CUNMAC

4. Z shaped purlins

Z purlins are stronger than C purlins and often used together at joints and overlaps. They are horizontal beams used for supporting the roof and wall joists, sit between the roofing sheets and the building to provide support and security. 

Z purlins are flexible, lightweight, and commonly used in agricultural and industrial buildings, making them adaptable for different sizes.

Z purlin of CUNMAC

Z purlin of CUNMAC

5. How to produce C purlins and Z purlins?

  • We use roll forming machines to produce them. 
  • C purlin roll forming machine uses galvanized or cold rolled steel strips to produce C shaped channels continuously, including feeding, punching for holes, bending, and cutting.
  • Similarly, a Z purlin roll forming machine is a channel roll forming machine that can produce different profiles of Z-shaped purlins by adjusting the rollers.
C purlin roll forming machine

C purlin roll forming machine

Z purlin roll forming machine

Z purlin roll forming machine

about purlins, C purlin and Z purlin. Don’t forget to follow the next issue of our series #defineterms to update more useful information.

This series belongs to CUNMAC Vietnam. All about purlins, C purlin and Z purlin

CUNMAC Vietnam – Roll Forming Machine Manufacturer has 15 years experience to ensure machine quality and customer satisfaction all over the world. 

We customize, design and manufacture a wide range of good solutions and products for companies operating in the sheet metal, construction and manufacturing industries. 

All CUNMAC machines are made in Vietnam. Our goal is to provide made-in-Vietnam flexible machines with good ease of use and high quality, where our designs and solutions give customers unique benefits and experience of our products.

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