Distinguish Width of coil vs Effective width of coil | CUNMAC Vietnam Icon Icon

Distinguish Width of coil vs Effective width of coil

width of coil and effective width
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Q: What is the difference between effective width and width of coil?

A: Width of coil is also called feeding width, refers to the distance between the two edges of the raw material coil

Effective width or cover/finished width, is the usable width of the material coil after it has been roll-formed, or width of the final product produced by roll forming machine. 

Example: The coil’s width of material is 1219mm, going through roll forming machine to produce the panel with effective width of 1070mm. 

Here is the profile’s drawing and video to illustrate: 

After the above explanation, you must have made a clear distinction between Width of coil vs Effective width of coil. Don’t forget to follow the next issue of our series #defineterms to update more useful information.

This series belongs to CUNMAC Vietnam.

CUNMAC Vietnam – Roll Forming Machine Manufacturer has 15 years experience to ensure machine quality and customer satisfaction all over the world. 

We customize design and manufacture a wide range of good solutions and products for companies operating in the sheet metal, construction and manufacturing industries. 

All CUNMAC machines are made in Vietnam. Our goal is to provide made-in-Vietnam flexible machines with good ease of use and high quality, where our designs and solutions give customers unique benefits and experience of our products.

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